World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day

Photo by Tara Winstead on

Today, June 1st, is World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day. It should be a day on which we remember what narcissists are and what they do, and overall: what they do to their victims.

It is so important to remember that abuse is not „only“ physical, financial or sexual abuse. Abuse does not necessarily leave visible physical scars. A huge part of narcissistic abuse is emotional abuse, and this abuse can leave the victims broken, ill and with massive self- esteem issues.

It is so important for survivors of narcissistic abuse to always remember the signs of abuse and to look out for them. Don´t let the narcissist gaslight you into thinking that you are wrong or defective.

Knowledge is power! The more we know about narcissism and other disorders from the Cluster B spectrum, the more we can break free from it.

So, for today, I want to invite all the survivors and all the people who still struggle to get out of a relationship to pamper themselves, to acknowledge how strong you are and to educate yourself on narcissism and its effects.

Some ideas:

  • Go for a walk and try to be in the moment and aware (instead of daydreaming)
  • Do something nice for you, something you love (like a hot bath, swimming in the lake, buy some nice body oil, listen to music, sleep all day
  • Write a letter to yourself in which you tell yourself how strong and talented you are. Post the letter some days later to yourself.
  • Practise gratitude. Throughout the day, try to find things you are grateful for. Often this is basic stuff like being able to see or walk, or for having friends. Gratitude changes our view on the world.
  • Clean up your house/ appartment. A organised environment brings peace to your mind more that you´d think.
  • Talk about the topic. Tell others about emotional abuse and about your struggles. Recommend books, youtubers, blogs… You can help others see their situation and the way out, you can help more that you´d think possible.
  • Write down your thoughts and also your experiences. Validate your experiences and your emotion. If you want, you can also write down your story and send it to me to publish it, so you can be an inspiration to others with your experiences and the steps you took.
  • Read good books that lift you up. Or read good books about healing from emotional abuse.
    Here is a recommendation, it is one of the best and most touching books I have ever read: „Complex PTSD- From Surviving to Thriving“ by Pete Walker.

I wish you all a very peaceful and healing World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day!
And please keep in mind: The best revenge is a life well lived.

Von Beate Berghoff

Ich bin Mutter, Lehrerin, Autorin, Heilpraktikerin. Seit vielen Jahren schon beschäftige ich mich privat und beruflich mit dem Thema Heilung von Missbrauch und Trauma. I am a mother, teacher, author, alternative healer. For many years now I have dedicated myself to the topics of healing of abuse and trauma.

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